Thursday, October 4, 2012

What's Your Music Portfolio Worth?

How are you finding out about new artists these days? Most likely from surfing the web or from your friends.  TastemakerX is a website solely dedicated to bands and their fans. “It is a mobile, social game that enables players to build a portfolio of the artists they love, and the new ones they discover, and publish them to their social graph” according to the TastemakerX blogHere you can create your own “stock” like portfolio of artists  that you listen to, established and new.

A player’s portfolio value is the overall value of their current portfolio holdings.  Notes are the currency used to “buy” more artists.  The T-score is a player’s level of influence, similar to a Klout score.  To be more specific, it is an index calculated based on the player’s net worth (portfolio value plus available notes) and the player’s activity points.  Activity points are awarded to player’s for their action in the game, like following other player’s, trading or sharing to Facebook and Twitter.

An artist’s price will rise and fall depending on their popularity.  So it is quite possible to purchase an unknown artist for less than 1 note per share and later sell them for 20 notes per share. 

TastemakerX has released a new version of the site where you can listen to each artist with a Spotify player on each artist page and see where the artist is performing with  Songkick concert listings.   The user profiles are revamped a bit and the achievements have also been rebuilt. 

Now that player’s are able to listen to their favorite artists from the game in real time, it could potentially become a breeding ground for discovery of new and unheard of music.

You can download the app or play online by visiting this URL.  Enjoy!



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